going to the dentist with less anxiety
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going to the dentist with less anxiety

Going to the dentist isn't any fun, but it is one of those things that just has to be done. For years, I fought the process and didn't go for my regular cleanings and in the end, it sure didn't pay to do so. I ended up spending ten times as much time in the chair and a boat-load of money in dental repairs. If you don't like going to the dentist, you can make it easier on yourself. This blog will show you a few tips that can help you improve the experience and get through the treatment without as much discomfort.

going to the dentist with less anxiety

  • Navigating Holiday Meals After A Dental Implant

    9 December 2015

    For many people, holidays revolve around meals shared with family and friends. Since your dentist may recommend a soft food diet for 5-7 days after they place a dental implant, you may not want to schedule your implantation around the holidays. However, if your dentist has an opening in their schedule because of the holidays or if you are traveling to see your dentist, your only option may be to have your implant placed slightly before a holiday.

  • What Can You Do To Regain A Healthy Appearance While Recovering From Bulimia?

    8 December 2015

    If what began as an innocent attempt to lose a few pounds has transformed into a life-consuming cycle of binging and purging, you may be wondering what you can do to stop this roller coaster ride and regain a healthier physique. Unfortunately, even after you've replaced your binging and purging habits with healthier behaviors, your period of bulimia may have wreaked havoc on your appearance—particularly your skin, hair, and teeth. After working so hard to put this disease behind you, you may find that these visual reminders of your illness only make it more difficult to remain committed to recovery.

  • Celebrating The Holidays With Lots Of Food? Avoid These Favorites To Protect Your Teeth

    8 December 2015

    If you plan on enjoying a large holiday feast this season filled with a variety of desserts and dishes, you may want to watch what you eat. Although the holidays can be the best times of the year, the foods you eat may wreak havoc on your teeth later. Some holiday staples, such as cranberry sauce and sweet potato souffle, can stain or damage your tooth enamel. Here are two holiday favorites you should avoid to protect your teeth and gums and alternatives you can choose instead.

  • Can Your Child Have Dental Implants? Advice For Parents

    8 December 2015

    Thousands of American adults receive dental implants every year to help cope with missing teeth. Dental implants are an effective long-term solution to the problem, and with the right care and attention, there's no reason this treatment cannot last for life. As such, when children lose their teeth, parents quite logically want to know if their sons or daughters can have implants. Find out here. Eligibility for implants Many people prefer permanent titanium dental implants to removable dentures because implants make it easier to talk and eat normally.

  • 4 Ways To Ensure Your Dental Implants Won't Fail

    8 December 2015

    When it comes to replacing your natural teeth, you really can't go wrong with dental implants from a clinic like The Center For Progressive Dentistry, for several key reasons, they're quite a bit more resilient than your natural teeth, they don't decay, and they're a bit stronger than your natural teeth. However, just because they are strong doesn't mean you can be flaky about taking care of them. Dental implants require care, just as your normal teeth would.