going to the dentist with less anxiety
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going to the dentist with less anxiety

Going to the dentist isn't any fun, but it is one of those things that just has to be done. For years, I fought the process and didn't go for my regular cleanings and in the end, it sure didn't pay to do so. I ended up spending ten times as much time in the chair and a boat-load of money in dental repairs. If you don't like going to the dentist, you can make it easier on yourself. This blog will show you a few tips that can help you improve the experience and get through the treatment without as much discomfort.

going to the dentist with less anxiety

3 Tips For Caring For Your Tooth At Home After A Filling Falls Out

Jordan Arnold

While eating a sticky and chewy snack, the gooey texture might have stuck to your filling and pulled it out. Even if you have made an appointment with your dentist to have it replaced, you may wonder if there is anything you can do in the meantime to protect the area and relieve the pain. If so, use one or more of the following tips below.

Keep Your Mouth Clean

When the filling is intact, it creates a barrier that protects the soft, inner tissue of your tooth from bacteria and small particles of food. Once it has become dislodged, however, the pulp and blood vessels are vulnerable to infection. If left open, this vulnerability to germs could result in an abscessed tooth, a serious and painful bacterial infection.

Until you can have the filling replaced, keep your mouth as clean as possible. You can do this by brushing your teeth every morning and evening, as well as after meals. However, make sure you use gentle pressure on the tooth to keep from irritating the exposed nerves.

If your tooth hurts too much to brush, or you feel you need extra cleaning, rinse your mouth with a quarter cup of water with a teaspoon of table salt mixed in. The salt helps kill the germs without irritating your aching tooth.

Use Peppermint Oil To Ease The Pain

If the cavity left behind by the missing filling is shallow, you may only have a dull toothache. However, if the hole extends deep into the pulp where the nerves are located, you may experience excruciating pain every time you take a breath.

Either way, you probably want to ease the discomfort as best you can. One way to do this is to place a cotton ball soaked with peppermint oil on the painful tooth. Peppermint oil is known to have pain-relieving properties, especially on sore teeth.

It also has the added bonus of being an antiseptic, which can help keep the area clean and kill any germs that try to invade the cavity. The taste is also pleasant, so you are more likely to keep it in your mouth.

To apply the peppermint oil, place four or five drops in the center of a cotton ball. Then, place it over the hole, and bite down gently to keep it in place. Do not grind your teeth, however, as the fibers from the cotton could irritate the already painful area.

Keep the cotton ball on the tooth for about five minutes, then remove it. You do not have to rinse your mouth. The residual oil will continue to work as long as it remains on the tooth.

Use Dental Wax As A Temporary Filling

For another way to keep the hole clean, you can use dental wax as a temporary filling. Found in the dental care aisle at supermarkets and department stores, this pliable wax can be placed inside and over the cavity to plug it up.

To apply the wax, remove a small amount from the can, and roll it into a ball using your index finger and thumb. Place the ball of wax over the hole, and gently push it into place. Because this is a temporary filling that falls out easily, you may need to replace it after you eat.

The above tips serve only as temporary means of taking care of your tooth after a dental filling falls out. To prevent complications and relieve your discomfort, make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. If you have already made an appointment, make sure you keep it so they can refill the tooth.
