going to the dentist with less anxiety
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going to the dentist with less anxiety

Going to the dentist isn't any fun, but it is one of those things that just has to be done. For years, I fought the process and didn't go for my regular cleanings and in the end, it sure didn't pay to do so. I ended up spending ten times as much time in the chair and a boat-load of money in dental repairs. If you don't like going to the dentist, you can make it easier on yourself. This blog will show you a few tips that can help you improve the experience and get through the treatment without as much discomfort.

going to the dentist with less anxiety

What You Need To Know About Alternatives To Dental Implants When You Have Missing Teeth

Jordan Arnold

If you suffer from missing teeth, you may have problems eating and speaking properly. In addition, you may have poor self-esteem issues from not being able to smile freely for fear of showing gaps in your mouth. One of the most popular ways for people to improve their smile after losing teeth is to get expensive dental implants. However, not everyone is a suitable candidate for implants. The following guide explains factors that can affect your candidacy for implants and suitable alternatives such as dental bridges and partial dentures.

Health Issues That Can Affect Your Suitability For Dental Implants

When you visit a dentist in the hopes of undergoing treatment to fill the gaps in your mouth with prosthetics that resemble teeth, you will need to provide a full medical history. The dental professional may need to speak with your primary care physician if you suffer from conditions that may affect your ability to get implants. Your gums and jawbones must be in good condition in order to receive the implants.

The following health issues may disqualify you from dental implant candidacy:

  • Certain types of cancer
  • Radiation treatment to the neck and head area
  • Diabetes
  • Gum disease
  • Heart disease
  • Hemophilia
  • Immune deficiencies
  • Alcoholism

Pregnant women and heavy smokers are also not good candidates for dental implants. In addition, if you are on certain types of medications, you may have to seek alternatives to implants.

Dentures As Alternatives To Implants

Permanent dental bridges and partial dentures are just as effective at restoring your smile as implants, helping you eat properly and improving your dental health. Bridges and partials will also help to fill out your face so your cheeks will not look sunken due to missing teeth.

Both types of dentures are created from mold impressions of your mouth so they will be the right shape and size. They can last over 15 years if you take good care of your teeth.

Like implants, permanent dental bridges cannot be removed by you once they are put in your mouth. They fit between two healthy teeth. The bridge can contain one or more false teeth that closely resemble your natural teeth. The dentist will prepare the adjoining teeth before installing the permanent bridge. This may involve reshaping the anchor teeth so the bridge will fit properly.

With a removable partial denture, you must take the device out at night to give your gums a chance to rest, breath and to prevent infections. You also need to clean removable dentures nightly.

Comparing The Costs Of Implants And Dentures

If you have no major dental issues and need to make a choice between implants and a dental bridge, your decision may come down to sheer economics. While both types of prosthetics can provide aesthetically pleasing replacements for missing teeth, there is a significant different in pricing.

First of all, a single implant to replace one tooth can cost between $2,400 and $10,000 depending on the amount of work a dental professional needs to complete before inserting the false tooth, such as bone grafting. If you need several implants, you could be out of tens of thousands of dollars to fill the gaps in your mouth. In addition, typical dental insurance plans do not cover implant surgery.

Dentures are much cheaper than implants. The cost for a bridge for one tooth is significantly less than one implant. A bridge to replace a missing front tooth, which is referred to in the industry as a Maryland bridge, costs anywhere from $1,100 to $2,300.

Furthermore, your dental plan will probably help to cover the costs of your permanent dental bridge, easing the financial burden of replacing missing teeth.
